Alternate Realities with Secret Friend's Nicholas Fernandez, Natalia Blanco, and David Lee
Art Courtesy of Nicholas Fernandez, Natalia Blanco, and David Lee
Nicholas Fernandez, Natalia Blanco, and David Lee studied sculpture together and have been collaborating since 2014. They are the resident artists for Secret Friend 002, the second installation of our immersive party series, taking place at H0L0 in Ridgewood, Queens, a five minute walk from the studio space they share together. In collaboration with Psymon Spine, Invertebrate Records, and visual artist Elise Wunderlich, Nick, Natalia, and David will be taking us on a journey through their minds. Take a peek below.
POND: First memory you have of each other.
When we met on the beach.
POND: One thing Rhode Island has that New York doesn’t.
POND: Most iconic trio (besides you guys).
The PowerPuff Girls.
POND: Name your alter ego.
Some guy named Steve.
POND: What will the future look like?
Please see SB-129.
POND: Perform on the subway.
POND: Tell us a secret.
She loves to dig.
POND: Introduce us to a new friend.
Our secret friend is a Gemini.